Martian Serpent Musk Theory
I have seen the theory that Elon Musk is Martian Serpent dismissed multiple times, due to QNA stating that he died during the release of the serpent.
However, I think that it still could be a possibility, because of a paradox similiar to that of Washington and Horned Serpent. Let me explain:
1) Washington cut down a special tree (limb of the serpent) 2) Washington got transported into metastructure, and became Horned Serpent
Something similiar could have happend to Musk 1) Martian Serpent (dead) is freed, Elon dies 2) Elon's Corpse is transported into Martian metastructure, Elon turns into Martian Serpent
Sorry if the theory sounds like nonsense, I recently began watching MM and this is the only explanation I can think of for the existence of Martian Serpent