My 12 year old who has been obsessed with wrestling for the last year is starting to lose interest 😢

I'm 40 and remember being so obsessed with WWE from late 90s up until Mania 17 and how my interest just slowly waned until I stopped watching all together (Albeit I was older than 12 at the time.)

It is sad considering him and I have bonded over WWE since mania 40 and watching his excitement over that time really made me feel like I was in the attitude era again.

I'm not sure exactly why he's losing interest, my guess is just a combination of just growing out of it and maybe the product itself.

He has made mention here and there over the last few months that he is tired of Cody always winning, so maybe it's a combination of growing out of it and the product getting a little stale.

I do still watch it on my own but it's more in the background now. Anyway, it's just been kind of sad seeing his interest way especially considering how obsessed he's been with it this past year.