My dog got out
Preface, he's fine. I'm fine, we're all fine.
Our house backs onto train tracks. Our rescued Podenco Collie cross (Stanley) has always barked at them. We know he was found chained in an alley and think that the sounds of the trains traumatised him.
He found a gap in the fence. Turns out my partner knew about it but didn't tell me. My mother in law screamed to me that she couldn't find him. We hopped the fence onto the train tracks, just as a train was going by. He was so scared. As soon as the train was gone, he came running to us. It took us 15 minutes to get him back over the fence.
Stanley and I are a little cut up, but otherwise fine. He's napping now. Lots of thoughts running through my head at the moment. I was so close to failing my boy. He's come such a long way in the last year and he is so precious. So many people have been involved in getting him from Spain to the UK so he could have the best possible life, and it could have been over so quickly.
My MIL and I both work in jobs that would be jepordised if we were charged with trespassing on tracks, so that's scary too.
I'm angry at myself, and angry at my partner for not telling me about the hole. Fully expecting people to give me flack for not taking better care of him. Just needed to vent and get my thoughts on paper.