Cheese Anyone?

Dearest Hivemind,

I give you the "Fuck it, I win" cheese i just pulled off today.

In a 1 v 1 commander game, and after dropping my 10th land, my board state was pretty empty. Luckily the turn before it, I played a [[Reverse Engineer]] to get 3 cards, and drew this disgusting combo.

After watching what meager defenders I had left vaporize into thin air, I knew I had to do something to eek out the win.

Rashmi had given me 5 treasures from earlier, so scooping 4 I brought the portal out, exiled the Mindslaver, Brought it out, and immediately paid to tap and sac it.

At that point, my opponent only had 1 Red, and 1 White mana to react with. I was called a cheesy turd, and I won the game as I could infinitly stall until he decked out, or I pulled some SHINANAGINS to wipe his board.