Can never have fun
Just sucking the fun out the game lmao
Blursed link
Would you sit down at a table with me and my roommate if these were our decks
Blursed_Japanese hairstyles
I did something...
Good deal? Picked up ffxii today! What do you think? Was it worth it?
blursed wife
Charlie Kelly, Conspiracy Theorist
Cheese Anyone?
Which is the prettiest cast of heroes from the main series? (Consider all the viable party members of each game)
Favorite Final Fantasy Class?
The only girl men truly love
What is your favorite card of all time?
Leon…Wong cosplay by me👄
Ok, let’s play a game.
MTG Colors Summarized by Sonic
Best Deck for a returning player to learn?
Any Ideas on what i can build in this chunk
Innistrad: Remastered - Release Highlights, Collector Cards, News
Which version is this?