Arrowhead, please let us leave into our own game instance in the case of griefers like these.
Is Fenrir III on Super Helldive still too easy?
difficulty 10 Anti Predator Strain Loadout
Idk man
Consistently Inconsistent
B3 looks kinda sus
I'm genuinely confused
My partner came up with the idea to make a bone shaped paper clip so I cadded it and printed it
If they are going to lower TTK, then they should also get rid of bullet slow.
Holy shit
The lesser known types of emotional abuse
America First
God I Love Modded Minecraft
Second set of logos I made
Found a comic and I am sure this is all of us.
just watch p*rn instead
Denying A Zone Camper
The Stim Pistol should get a flashlight
Can they address this in the next patch please
Stop ignoring samples
Apex Legends: Takeover Anthem Trailer
GrayStillPlays... you used to be cool...