make men masculine again
trans subreddit compass
When the phalloplasty surgeon asks where i got the donor dicks
ftm bottom surgery is a joke
To the german gays: Please go out to vote today for democratic parties!
I redditpass as an autistic troon
Sexual Dimorphism
what am i witnessing
Trainingspause wegen Bluterguss nach Blutplasma spende?
Wo Testo Spritze?
Do you think ducks would change their feathers if we would inject them with hormones
I feel like I never see trans women saying this kinda shit.
I feel so bad for pooners called Aiden
"Hey why dont you go to your local trans group anymore?" The average trans group member you find in rural germany:
"Men and trans men" "women and trans women"
Where do you even find partners that are attracted to you, why does being trans fuck my chances at love so bady
Wo kauft ihr eure Suplements?
Grüne und Linke - Hauptsache kein Schwarz-Blau und am besten Schwarz-Grün (oder Schwarz-Rot-Grün)
cis gf had a freudian slip
Could've hrt prevented this twink death?
könnt ihr einen Endokrinologen in BS empfehlen?
Why is coming out everywhere pre hrt so fkn common and seen as the norm