Pregnancy Testing
Doctor recs
New I-5 bridge, is that still happening?
Alright Team, Who has the Best General Tso / Orange Chicken / General Chinese Food in Vancouver?
Fertility supplement recommendations or review
Who are you having in the delivery room?
Stagnant with weight
Step up your sushi game, Vancouver!
IVF/ IUI currently on Wegovy “study”
This was… some kind of greeting
Working In Oregon
In Vancouver, would you go for a pre-WWII home or a new-build?
What are some of the biggest news stories/incidents to come out of Vancouver?
Vancouver Clinic Urgent Care
What am I doing wrong?
Metformin advice/review
Why do people think it’s ok to let their dogs off-leash and poo at Fort Vancouver?
Is this dyshidrosis?
IVF and Wegovy
Refills not being filled on time
‘38F’ My husband ‘38M’ is not the person I married, not sure what I should do. Do I need to leave my husband?
‘38 F’ Is there a website where you can see if your partner is on a dating site? ‘38 F’
Ritual prenatal
Anyone else leave HR and do something else? [N/A]
So much pain