Hot take: Cyn should’ve had a way worse and painful death for what she did
Why did Khan brutally crush Marcus's skull like a watermelon instead of just politely informing him that what he did was evil and detestable and that they were gonna lock him up for his crimes? Is he a bad guy?
those star wars is now bad videos in a nut shell
Wtf is wrong with her
Lydia Rodarte-Quale is a horrible person hated by fans!
"C-Come over here Idiot. I won't say it twice..."
Can someone tell me why the fuck does the TOW puma not have thermals like the tow turret?
U.S.S. Calypso aft view by Bill Krause / Admiral Buck
Serious now. I wanted to know How old are those characters:
What's insaneway reacting to?
I voted for the Borg
J deserves better :(
I want Cyn to be more than just a mere obstical
Why didnt Yeva and Nori use their solver powers to fight the Disassembly drones?
In Civil War (2024), the “Western Forces” is an alliance between California and Texas. This is to remind the audience that this movie is a work of fiction.
In how many parsecs could Tom Paris make the Kessel Run?
What can i say? It's true!
What if Specialist Astro was Titan size?
The Tvmen are born from broken people.
Can the Texas-class starship from Star Trek Lower Decks fucking KILL TEN ASTRO OBLITERATORS
Now here's the Real Question. Could Two Astro Obliterators Beat Two Astro Obliterators?
I asked about your favorite how about your least favorite au(alternate version) of v and most favorite.For me its this V.
I've been a detective and realised these messages are coming every hour
Pacific Rim was amazing, I just wish they would make another one :(