AITA for exposing my husbands affair with his “girl best friend” at a family BBQ after his father told me to get over it
Favorite fitness app?
Pen Tablet with native Win 11 Support
Got an interview!
Stanley, podenco x collie
C)heock out "Googb I c . K saend essdssssss
My dog got out
Best place for a picnic?
Remote working spaces
He didn't like the fish
Meet Ezra, our miniature labradoodle
Martial Arts Clubs
Need help cleaning movie trailer film rolls!
Did a rainy day photoshoot with Ezra. She was very upset she couldn't go for a walk.
How do you find a place to rent?
He is the reason we wear shoes around the house. His nickname is 'toe-eater'
It literally could NOT be any easier...
Televised Funeral on Westward TV (1963)
Pressure change during diving
What was "standard practise" at your primary school that would absolutely not be now?
Mechanical stairs for marbles
[Rant] Families of Central Park. The path is a shared space
Generic tiger, almost finished. Lots of new techniques attempted, some were even successful. Critique welcome!
Long time lurker, first time poster. Just getting back into the hobby as a way to alleviate the lockdown boredom. Criticism welcome!
F*ckin' Apple Man