Hello i'm new to building pcs and currently trying to build a pc for comp gaming (csgo & valo etc.) is this build okay? appreciate any tips or concerns
pimples on arm
[Suggestion] Finding a prebuilt
[ITG] from newegg ca
[ITG] Pc from best buy
Am I cooked health and life?
Self harm when I was younger
feeling like you’re faking it
I can’t cut deeper
I feel like an attention seeker
I might self harm after years of being clean.
Every time I don't cut deeper I curse myself for it
Can you describe your first time and what made you want to do it?
Soo anyone else rollup your sleves home alone
my little sister kissed my scars whilst I played with her
I came on here to post some sad shit, but I wanna share this instead
Does anyone else just like their scars?
I feel safe cutting myself and being depressed, but I just realized I'm ruining my life
Eye Crust Connoisseur
Sangatsu no Phantasia