Anons discuss transtrenders
sometimes I see a terf and I almost kinda understand?
wants to be a woman, proceed to do absolutely nothing
(repost from priv sub) reminder of how easy it is for cissoids to get put on the stuff
the problem with hrtits
does anyone have an actual clip of vaush saying tranny?
tttt transvestigates tech Youtuber
Could've hrt prevented this twink death?
Favorite Beast in Black song?
Tall wombyn are so oppressed 😿
tbf i think if i were a passoid i would also be a narcissist
ooh boy
everyone is agp except pooners
She’s a simple woman
holy fuck genz moids are fucking regarded
techbro troons out
Musk unironically prlly got the tranner gene
the problem with gymrepping
Career advice for germanhons
don't rep gals
non-dysphorics explain why they transitioned
tranners, if i look like Arnold Schwarzenegger but talk with a really high-pitched voice will i finally be gendered female?
Which one of you been breaking out your brainworms to normal trans women
ftm repanon has a plan
ooh gayden incest! this is interesting. i think it's the first time im seeing it