Some of yall took this way too seriously
What band do you wish would come back to hear one more album from them?
can people stop fucking judging us
My sister found my band aids
I just relapsed and it was the scariest thing ever
Tried doing art instead of relapsing 🎀
My doll parts inspired art 🎀
Tw blade
What are your favourite lyrics from hole?
My friend told me to commit, after my attempt about an hour ago
This song ❤️🩹
Can anyone recommend me more albums/bands like this?
What is THAT??? (TW blade)
Where do you guys cut?
First time I'm acc proud of myself
favorite non-metal album/artist?
Scratching/Cutting in Sleep??
I want you to find one random person in the comment section and give them a compliment
Any places to avoid cutting?
What's the last song you listened to?
Luso's Handy Guide To Metalheads
Anyone else get irrationally angry at these guys' content? It makes whatever their concept of "elitism" is look appealing if it's the opposite of what they're doing.
Does anyone else just like their scars?
As a Self-Harmer, what is the one thing you fear happening?
Who is it?